The Poisoned Ink Well

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Ok, here's a really good link on the exit poll discrepancy, if you'd like to read
an intelligently compiled study, and love graphs, statistical analysis, and research data
as much as I do; it's from Steven F. Freeman Ph.D.,

Renea, (my fellow pollster extraordinaire) this link is for you (especially) so please
be sure and read it. You'll appreciate this one. All intelligent life forms,
happening by my page please read it, too.

The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy

Sunday, November 14, 2004

1. Contact Rep. Conyers and report all voter irregularities to Mr. Conyers
and The House Committee on the Judiciary-Democratic Members here

Mission Accomplished NOT!



Ohio Voters tell of Election Day Troubles at Hearing

Green Party link to recounts (sorry Dems)

Link to report problems with voting in your state includes access issues ; disability, discrimination (provisional ballot etc.) If you were forced to cast a provisional ballot; it's the law that they have to tell you if it was counted or discarded and why. HAVA SEC. 302./a> <> PROVISIONAL VOTING AND VOTING INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.


Saturday, November 06, 2004

Mission Accomplished NOT!


The war ain't over and neither is the election
until we say it is.

(Keith Olbermann's Blog)

Note I updated links on voter fraud: today 11-09-04

New Links today: 11-10-04


Members of House Judiciary Committee seek investigation

New link 11-12-04

And in Indiana RECOUNT is ON

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


A Values minded post for the Christian Right

Let me explain the post below to all you values minded folks. You just fell for
the oldest trick in the book. You went to the Republican store for their loss leaders
(discounted items intended to lure you in for bigger purchases.) You entered the
voting booth for the ban on homosexual marriage amendment, the possibility of
restricting access to abortions, adding regimented prayer in the schools (like every
child doesn’t say a private prayer before a test) and to have the 10 commandments
displayed on the lawn of city hall

You probably got those things, but before you left they stocked your shopping basket
full of goodies like, corporate corruption, war profiteering, torture of other
human beings (you know the ones that are already born) global warming,
and the always-present chemical goodies they spew out of their
enormously profitable plants that maim and disease all of God's children.

You voted for the anti Christ not once, but twice, naughty, naughty
little Christian half-wits. Hope Jesus is real forgiving when he gets
to your luke warm souls.

In other words:

You're straining at gnats while swallowing elephants.
