The Poisoned Ink Well

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Now I put up my 2005 King of The Hill calendar and exotic landscapes and pictures of Mediterranean and Caribbean beaches will decorate my walls for 2006 and familiar months will reappear without him. May the 13, I said good bye to one of the best friends of my life ( 25 years of friendship) Gary. He called Renee in Baton Rouge just two days before his death and died on her birthday May thirteenth and she relayed the message right away and was going save it ( so I could hear it) and he said that he loved us both and it seemed like we had all been friends forever (he couldn’t call me because it was long distance) and then the next day her young son got in a car accident with his half brother and we held our breaths until we knew both boys were going to be ok and Gray’s last message was lost somewhere in the flurry of phone calls and saved messages from different ERs.

And then I didn’t even know that he went into a coma and was in ER and intensive care, himself (He was dying of liver disease and HIV) because I let my son and his friends use my phone for employment applications and reference numbers (I seem so stable to them/ how funny) and one of them saved the message that he was in intensive care and forgot to tell me (teenagers) and I was working and I didn’t know it was there and his family (some of them ) misunderstood and thought I didn’t care about him and I heard of his death two days after it occurred and I called Renee and told her that he died on her birthday and she cried because we couldn’t recover the message and then said that now we can always remember him because he died on her birthday and we would celebrate his life with hers and she said Marie even though I don’t have his last words they were sweet ones and he loved you so much.

Good bye Gary

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Let me tell you what I think of the situation in New Orleans with the doctors and nurses at Tenet Memorial Hospital.

I think they should prosecute Michael Brown, everyone at Fema, President Bush, Donald, Dick and all the little duckies and everyone who was truly negligent during that hurricane.

Foti should be going after the people who had command over the helicopters and the boats and the food and the water.

Our government practiced their version of mercy killing in the ninth ward.

Or this was pure unintended negligence,


either way

if they go after doctors and nurses then they should prosecute and pursue prosecutions at the
highest levels of our federal government for their utter incompetence

We know who killed New Orleans and it wasn’t the doctors and nurses.

IMPEACH BUSH for his negligence during Katrina!

Let's prosecute the guilty parties.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


OK, now all I need is a rubber room, some xannax,
and edible finger paint (rainbow colors) and I'll be fine.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Louisiana Native
born in Louisiana,
raised in Louisiana,
and very proud
to be from Louisiana.

They rebuild when tornados rip through the heartland
they rebuild when an earthquake rumbles through the west
so I am having a hard time understanding why anyone would
dare question helping New Orleans or the people of New Orleans.

And yes, the people have a RIGHT to stay in their own homes down there
and I hope that everyone who wants to return home is able to do so because
people from Louisiana are United States citizens and they do have the
same DAMN rights as everyone else in this country.

Monday, September 05, 2005


New Orleanians were BUSHWACKED.

Monday, July 04, 2005

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am so proud of Amnesty International’s recent report

that I decided to

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Friday, February 04, 2005

It's Mardi Gras Time.
See ya'll after the parades

Saturday, January 08, 2005

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Keep Objecting!

And let’s start talking Impeachment!

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