The Poisoned Ink Well

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

I found this one last year in a family bible. I didn’t know that he had written it. It was written on the back of a letter ( I had never turned the letter over or seen it until then) with an envelope postmarked Denver in 1991. I tried to get in touch with him in 2001 after I read this poem and I found out that he had died of a heart attack in 1994. He was only 33. He wrote it to me and our son.

NO more Games or Realization Finally-
(A Prayer)

Realization, Finally!

There I was out on the road
Lonely and cold with nowhere to go
Then came trouble
I went out with ones I thought were my friends
Said the fun never ends
I don’t know where it began
And my Mamma said
“Jesus died on that tree for you and for me
So that we could be free and live eternally”
Now I’ve had a rough time
All through my life
I got in fights with my wife
Who gave me a son
Such a beautiful one
And that’s when I began
To know what love Is
This next part might not all rhyme
But I’ve decided it’s time
To put God in my life
And I pray that my son and my wife
Are together and safe
Wherever they may be
And that they may find God, too
And I pray that we get back together
And be a real family

R. Zetzer (03-1961) to (09-1994)
