The Poisoned Ink Well

Friday, November 22, 2002

When I was injured recently in Louisiana my head hit the steering wheel and I needed stitches, on the stretcher on the way to the hospital, my cousin Stacy who was at the scene and is an accountant at a leading home healthcare agency in the city, insisted that I request a plastic surgeon to stitch up my face. My aunt and my mother, who were also at the scene, agreed with Stacy.

When I arrived at Our Lady of the Lake hospital the attending physician who was not a plastic surgeon, Dr Morrilton (a very nice man) called in, I think every plastic surgeon in town, including the one on call and I was turned down by the whole list. One question sufficed to bring about the negative replies and that was who my carrier was for my insurance and when they found out that I was not covered each one said no.

He finally located one at Summit Hospital’s emergency room and when I arrived there by Taxi I was not treated or seen (triaged) when they found out that I didn‘t have health insurance. (I was escorted out by security) and had to return back to OLOL hospital, where after many hours, I was finally stitched up by a nurse practitioner (I‘d like to thank her, for coming through for me). I am still recovering from my many injuries including a concussion or I would have spoken of this sooner.

To every plastic surgeon in the city of Baton Rouge, and the staff at Summit Hospital, who refused to help me (all of you). I want to thank all you cold BASTARDS to the bottom of my heart.

(I still have ALL the original records, I had them make copies as I left the hospital [OLOL].)
