The Poisoned Ink Well

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Why does LISAFUCKINGJACKSON still have a fucking job?



Seize BP Petition button



Sunday, July 04, 2010




Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Now they want to execute Lil Boosie. The man is a poet you dumb fucking pricks. The man is an artist, not a killer. Sticks and stones. I am pissed. I write auto biographical fiction. It’s a genre not a crime. Examining lyrics/poetry for criminal indictments makes no sense at all. Rap is street poetry. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck and fuck.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010



The evil is rampant
I think of going home helping
Breathe in deeep a life so far
One more time
The mighty Mississippi is a sewage line
The Gulf of Mexico already a large toilet bowl
Chemical plants line the riverside from Baton Rouge to New Orleans

Another Bhopal
is waiting
Just around the corner
from the Louisiana State Capital

in an area nicknamed

The CC or (Chemical Corridor)
in North Baton Rouge
Exxon Refinery and many other chemical plants
like the infamous Honeywell
sit across the street
from people's homes, Elementary Schools.
Churches, and Daycares
for those unlucky enough
to live, attend school or work there

It's always
another Day, another
CC lockdown
Better known as the shelter in place rule
every time there is a chemical spill .

Reminds you of those 50's short self defense films
where everybody hides under a table until the atom bomb
blast is over.
You know the curtains blow a little,
so does the cloth on the table, but everything is intact
and junior, mom, and dad are just fine and go on cooking dinner like nothing happened.

No rare incurable cancers, or childhood Leukemia's to see here folks just move along.

It's exactly like that during CC lockdowns.

And they actually tell you to
stuff towels under your door.

The worst part is that
You can't leave or flee
even if you want too
the state troopers
block the entrances to the interstate.

worked for Multi-national Corporations and harassed citizens.

Terrified citizens who want to run as far as they can from the latest deadly toxin are stopped and told to go home to wait.

It’s over and over
And worse things
are waiting
Watch how they act and what they do.
Responding to the supposed non- crisis

But don’t be as surprised the next time
Tragedy Strikes at their hands
Chernobyl, Ukraine, Alaska
3 Mile Island
These man made disasters
Are disgusting

Especially when you know
greedy, spoiled. children posing as men
are at the bottom of this oil slick
(or at least we wish they were down there
plugging the fucking hole. )

I think we should take Tony Heywood
and the rest of the Corporate Heads at BP
(pun and punishment intended)
and put them on spikes at the mouth of the Mississippi
Their bodies forever incased in cement
Around the well at the bottom of the GOM
As a warning for what happens
if you fuck with U.S.

I'm just saying

They maybe better off in prison isolation
then left to the kind of justice they really deserve

And Cheney, Bush and so many before them and with them
So many years, closed door handshakes, hand jobs, blow jobs
and enough other kinds of blow
to sustain any fisherman's family for at least a 100 years.

That's why no one worried about the blow out preventer's at the MMS
They were too busy letting BP and big oil be blow out enablers
at the MMS

Don’t blame this one on Obama
We all know who started it

But who are we going to hold responsible for how it ends
if it ever does.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

To those who have labeled this frivolous come cry with me sometime.

old new post just now able to share this

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
by melanie
GOOD BYE GARY rantNow I put up my 2005 King of The Hill calendar and exotic landscapes and pictures of Mediterranean and Caribbean beaches will decorate my walls for 2006 and familiar months will reappear without him. May the 13, I said good bye to one of the best friends of my life ( 25 years of friendship) Gary. He called Renee in Baton Rouge just two days before his death and died on her birthday May thirteenth and she relayed the message right away and was going save it ( so I could hear it) and he said that he loved us both and it seemed like we had all been friends forever (he couldn’t call me because it was long distance) and then the next day her young son got in a car accident with his half brother and we held our breaths until we knew both boys were going to be ok and Gray’s last message was lost somewhere in the flurry of phone calls and saved messages from different ERs.And then I didn’t even know that he went into a coma and was in ER and intensive care, himself (He was dying of liver disease and HIV) because I let my son and his friends use my phone for employment applications and reference numbers (I seem so stable to them/ how funny) and one of them saved the message that he was in intensive care and forgot to tell me (teenagers) and I was working and I didn’t know it was there and his family (some of them ) misunderstood and thought I didn’t care about him and I heard of his death two days after it occurred and I called Renee and told her that he died on her birthday and she cried because we couldn’t recover the message and then said that now we can always remember him because he died on her birthday and we would celebrate his life with hers and she said Marie even though I don’t have his last words they were sweet ones and he loved you so much.Good bye Gary


MAY 13, 2007 (I Love you )
JOE died.
You haven’t heard from me in a while.
This is why?
The coolest human being on earth,
Who am I going talk to NOW?
Down the street Hot Springs
Central Avenue
Lucky’s Bar.
Beautiful women always
Surrounded him,
Julia, Jessica, Paula, Dahlia, Marlena
Red hair
Flying in the air.
Going so fast
The Tourist are in slow motion
Behind your chair
I can not believe I won’t ever see you again
May 13th 2007
What is with that date.

Love always
I promised two weeks before you died
I'd never forget
your kindness
I love you
